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  1. How to Recognize the Telltale Signs of Burnout Before it's Too Late

    How to Recognize the Telltale Signs of Burnout Before it's Too Late

    Modern people may not be fighting lions and tigers, but we are under more stress than ever. From job-related stress to long commutes to balancing the demands of family and personal life, many just have too much on their plate. According to many psychologists, this is leading to a disorder known as burn out, which can have dire consequences for...
  2. Taking Supplements During Pregnancy May Reduce Autism Risk

    Taking Supplements During Pregnancy May Reduce Autism Risk

    The rates of autism have been increasing in the United States and other countries, from around 1 in 2000 in the seventies to approximately 1 in 150 now. Part of this increase is due to changing criteria for the diagnosis as well as increased awareness. However, there also appear to be other, currently unknown, reasons for the increased prevalence. Could health factors...
  3. Compounds in Blueberries Help Kill Cancer

    Compounds in Blueberries Help Kill Cancer

    Berries are a foodie trend that's not going away any time soon. Modern agricultural and food storage methods allow us to enjoy these small fruits year-round, so berries have become a regular part of many people's daily diet. This is especially true of blueberries, which could have some unexpected health benefits. According to new research, blueberries not only taste great but...
  4. Scientifically Proven Ingredients for Maintaining Healthy Weight Into the New Year

    Scientifically Proven Ingredients for Maintaining Healthy Weight Into the New Year

    The holidays are a time for baked goods and treats, which means that they also are a time of weight gain for many people. It can be difficult to maintain a reasonable number of calories with so much delicious food being offered in workplaces, parties and holiday meals. By the time New Year's rolls around, most people are ready for...
  5. Gut Flora Influence Allergies and Immune System Health

    Gut Flora Influence Allergies and Immune System Health

    Have you ever talked about having a "gut feeling" about something? Your gut, particularly the bacteria that live there, may be more important to your health than most people realize. A lot has been written lately about probiotics and their impact on health. A surprising range of diseases, from depression to certain types of cancer, have been linked to imbalances...
  6. Eating Cheese Protects Heart Health, Says New Study

    Eating Cheese Protects Heart Health, Says New Study

    Cheese is one of the world's favorite foods, whether toasted, melted or plain. Most people eat it in spite of its potential unhealthiness due to its high calorie, fat and cholesterol content. However, eating cheese may not be the poor choice that we have previously believed. A new study has found that cheese may actually have surprising benefits. In fact...
  7. Phytoestrogens for Men Support Healthy Hormones, Prostate, Heart and More

    Phytoestrogens for Men Support Healthy Hormones, Prostate, Heart and More

    Phytoestrogens for men? According to numerous scientists and medical professionals, phytoestrogens—plant compounds that mimic the female hormone estrogen in the body—may play an important role in men’s health. This article describes phytoestrogens, the benefits men might reap from incorporating them into their health regiment and attempts to dispel misconceptions about certain side effects men might experience resulting from exposure to phytoestrogens...
  8. Using Probiotics for Eczema Can Help Heal Your Skin

    Using Probiotics for Eczema Can Help Heal Your Skin

    Eczema is a bothersome and often uncomfortable inflammatory skin disease, also known as dermatitis. There are several different types of eczema, but the most common type is atopic dermatitis. An estimated 31.6 million people in the United States alone suffer from eczema. The condition is more common in children; in fact, up to 15 percent of all children will experience temporary...
  9. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): How Changing Seasons Can Change Your Mood

    Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): How Changing Seasons Can Change Your Mood

    Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that comes and goes with the seasons. The most typical pattern for SAD is that symptoms start in the late fall or early winter and go away with the arrival of spring. It is also possible for someone to experience seasonal affective disorder in a summer pattern, though this is quite...
  10. Old Human Cells Rejuvenated by Resveratrol-like Compounds

    Old Human Cells Rejuvenated by Resveratrol-like Compounds

    The anti-aging industry pulls in billions of dollars every year with promises of helping people preserve both health and beauty. While beauty products offer to keep us young with creams and serums, scientists suggest that youth comes from the inside out. What we feed our cells can make all the difference in whether they stay young and healthy over our...