Diet & Nutrition

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  1. Surprising Ways to Maintain Healthy Blood Sugar Levels Naturally

    Surprising Ways to Maintain Healthy Blood Sugar Levels Naturally

    More than 29 million people in the United States have diabetes. Even more have high blood sugar levels or insulin resistance, both of which are precursors to type 2 diabetes. While there are many medications that can help diabetics, these are expensive and can often have serious side effects. Many people do not know that there are a variety of...
  2. Muscle Injuries in Athletes Could Be Caused by Low Vitamin D

    Muscle Injuries in Athletes Could Be Caused by Low Vitamin D

    Many people take vitamin D to encourage strong, healthy bones. New research on vitamin D and muscle function suggests that it may be a major contributor to building and maintaining healthy muscles as well. Vitamin D is an important cofactor in metabolism, bone building and more. However, many people in northern latitudes suffer from a deficiency of this important nutrient...
  3. Nourish Your Skin from the Inside Out with These Top Nutrients for Skin Health

    Nourish Your Skin from the Inside Out with These Top Nutrients for Skin Health

    With spring and summer approaching, many people will be showing more skin than ever before. Parkas and hats will soon be traded for sundresses and shorts. The switch to warm weather also means that our skin will be exposed to elements such as the sun and wind more than in cold weather months. In addition, our environment is filled with...
  4. Red Wine Compound Resveratrol May Protect Lungs and Respiratory Health

    Red Wine Compound Resveratrol May Protect Lungs and Respiratory Health

    Many people struggle with respiratory concerns as they age. New research on resveratrol lung benefits suggests that this compound found in red wine may help protect the lungs against premature aging and disease. Respiratory concerns are some of the most serious causes of death on the globe, killing around three million people a year and affecting many times more. These include common health problems such...
  5. Exposure to Blue Light Could Be Damaging Your Vision

    Exposure to Blue Light Could Be Damaging Your Vision

    Do you spend a lot of time under artificial lights or even just staring at screens? It could be taking a toll on your eye health and vision. New studies have found a link between exposure to blue light and eye damage. Artificial light is ubiquitous in the modern world. Not only do light bulbs and other artificial lighting sources...
  6. New Findings Show Vitamin D Benefits Muscle Strength and Protects Against Respiratory Illness

    New Findings Show Vitamin D Benefits Muscle Strength and Protects Against Respiratory Illness

    New research suggests that vitamin D benefits our health in more ways than previously believed, helping to sustain muscle strength and even protect against common ailments. Many people in the Northern hemisphere are deficient in vitamin D during the cold weather months. This is known to contribute to fatigue, depression, weak bones and a variety of other unpleasant effects. However...
  7. New Research Expands Our Knowledge About the Benefits of Prebiotics

    New Research Expands Our Knowledge About the Benefits of Prebiotics

    Could the benefits of prebiotics extend far beyond gut health? New research suggests that these supplements may have more beneficial effects on our health than previously known. If you're like millions of Americans, you've probably already taken your daily probiotic. The benefits of these tiny capsules of bacteria have been known for years. Recently, many people have begun taking prebiotics...
  8. New Research Indicates Omega-3 for Asthma Could Help You Breathe Easier

    New Research Indicates Omega-3 for Asthma Could Help You Breathe Easier

    Are you one of the millions of people who struggle with respiratory concerns? New research on omega-3 for asthma suggests this natural remedy may make a huge difference. Asthma is a common disease, affecting around one of out every 12 people. Overall, asthma costs the United States alone around $56 billion a year in medical costs, lost work productivity and other...
  9. Researchers Discover Link Between Vitamin D and Metabolic Syndrome

    Researchers Discover Link Between Vitamin D and Metabolic Syndrome

    New research investigating the link between vitamin D and metabolic syndrome suggests that a deficiency of this nutrient may be a factor in rising rates of chronic illness. Are you dealing with low energy, malaise and a lack of motivation? Are you also, like many Americans, struggling with maintaining healthy blood sugar, blood pressure or cholesterol levels? If so, the...
  10. Plant Compound Lutein Linked to Cognitive Health and Intelligence

    Plant Compound Lutein Linked to Cognitive Health and Intelligence

    New studies linking lutein and brain health suggest that getting enough of certain plant compounds like lutein is essential to intelligence and cognitive function. Modern research is beginning to shed light on the importance of getting good nutrition as a means of staying healthy and preventing disease. Medications and surgeries are certainly important treatments, but many people would prefer to...

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