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  1. New Insights Reveal How Chili Pepper Compound Capsaicin Relieves Pain

    New Insights Reveal How Chili Pepper Compound Capsaicin Relieves Pain

    Chili peppers are used to create spicy dishes throughout the world, but research has found that this pepper also provides a vast array of health benefits. In fact, it’s the compound in the chili pepper responsible for creating that spicy, burning feeling that provides those benefits. This compound is called capsaicin and it has been the focus of several scientific...
  2. Diallyl Sulfide and Cancer: Can a Vegetable Compound Protect Against a Deadly Disease?

    Diallyl Sulfide and Cancer: Can a Vegetable Compound Protect Against a Deadly Disease?

    While vegetable compounds like diallyl sulfide make onions and garlic more flavorful and contribute to their spiciness, they may also play a more important role when it comes to human health. While previous research has looked at how these compounds affect the development of various medical conditions, a recent study focused specifically on their effects on breast cancer risk. This...
  3. Scientists Probe New Link Between Gut Health and Chronic Disease

    Scientists Probe New Link Between Gut Health and Chronic Disease

    What would happen if you could turn an unhealthy gut microbiome into a healthy one? According to research recently conducted at Scripps Research Institute, doing so may improve cholesterol levels and stave off chronic disease. According to this new research, gut health and disease are linked, suggesting improving gut health can positively impact the risks of developing certain diseases. Recent...
  4. Resveratrol in Red Wine Protects Gut Health

    Resveratrol in Red Wine Protects Gut Health

    Researchers have long known that maintaining a varied and diverse gut microbiome is essential to good health in a variety of ways. However, the issue that we face daily is exactly how to encourage the diversity of the vast array of bacteria that exists in the gut. A recent study provides one possible answer to that problem: New research suggests...
  5. Vitamin A and Skin Cancer: Can Getting Enough Reduce Your Risk?

    Vitamin A and Skin Cancer: Can Getting Enough Reduce Your Risk?

    Vitamin A is an important nutrient that helps our bodies grow and develop. Even in adulthood, it provides far-reaching benefits, helping to keep our reproductive systems, eyes and skin healthy. Getting sufficient amounts of vitamin A helps skin retain its smooth, youthful appearance, but until recently, it wasn't known to provide any additional benefits to skin health. New studies suggest...
  6. Testosterone for Menopause May Offer Unexpected Benefits in the Bedroom

    Testosterone for Menopause May Offer Unexpected Benefits in the Bedroom

    Menopause is a period of time in a woman's life that is characterized by a lack of menstruation for 12 consecutive months. Menopause most commonly occurs sometime in women's 40s or 50s. While being free from the inconveniences of having a monthly period may seem like a blessing, menopause can actually produce some uncomfortable, and sometimes even painful, symptoms. During...
  7. Diversity of Gut Microbiome Influences Prostate Cancer

    Diversity of Gut Microbiome Influences Prostate Cancer

    The prostate gland is a small organ that's similar in size and shape to a walnut. It's linked to the sexual health of men in that it's responsible for producing seminal fluid, which helps carry sperm to the penis. The prostate gland is a common target for cancer in men, but, because it develops slowly, prostate cancer may not produce...
  8. Can Serotonin Deficiency Cause Unexplained Pain?

    Can Serotonin Deficiency Cause Unexplained Pain?

    Chronic pain is one of the greatest medical challenges of our times. Pain disorders are becoming increasingly common, yet we have few remedies -- particularly in cases where we cannot identify the cause of the pain. Although pain killers can help for a short time, these medications are addictive and can have negative or even deadly side effects. According to...
  9. Study Shows Fruits and Veggies Reduce Death Risk

    Study Shows Fruits and Veggies Reduce Death Risk

    Fruits and vegetables are essential sources of the fiber, nutrients and vitamins that our bodies need to thrive. We already know that a healthy plant-based diet can help us maintain healthy blood pressure, improve digestion and reduce our risks of developing certain types of cancer. Now, a new study suggests that fruits and veggies reduce death risk. More specifically, consuming...
  10. Little-Known Omega-6 Fatty Acid Benefits Heart Health, Atherosclerosis

    Little-Known Omega-6 Fatty Acid Benefits Heart Health, Atherosclerosis

    Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide, and is on the rise in the U.S., accounting for approximately one out of every three deaths. Considering the vast number of people affected by cardiovascular disease, it's no wonder that researchers continue to look for foods, vitamins and medications that will improve the health of the cardiovascular system. While we...