Diet & Nutrition

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  1. Higher Blood Levels of Omega-3 May Increase Lifespan

    Higher Blood Levels of Omega-3 May Increase Lifespan

    While there is already a large body of existing evidence detailing the benefits of omega-3s, the new research indicates that higher levels of this fatty acid in the bloodstream are linked to a longer and healthier life. A new study shows how a steady intake of omega-3 may increase lifespan, shedding new light on the benefits of this fatty acid...
  2. How Your Diet Can Lead to Inflammation and Disease

    How Your Diet Can Lead to Inflammation and Disease

    It probably does not come as a surprise to learn that what you eat greatly influences your overall health. But did you know that a poor diet can lead to inflammation? One of the leading predictors of an unhealthy level of inflammation in the body is an imbalance in the gut microbiome. This imbalance can lead to a variety of...
  3. Natural Ingredients to Boost Immune System Health

    Natural Ingredients to Boost Immune System Health

    There is no doubt that the last 18 months have been challenging due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The global pandemic and resulting economic crisis and physical isolation have negatively affected the health of many. As a result, many peoples' immune systems are not functioning at optimal levels. Most people do not put much thought into the right ingredients for...
  4. Probiotics May Help Treat Inflammatory Bowel Disease

    Probiotics May Help Treat Inflammatory Bowel Disease

    If you are dealing with discomfort in your gut or bowels, you may have heard that probiotics can help you to feel better. What are probiotics and how can these supplements treat inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and other gut issues? New research is helping scientists to understand how probiotics may help treat inflammatory bowel disease and help maintain proper gut...
  5. Omega-3 for Kids: Why You Should Boost Your Child's Intake

    Omega-3 for Kids: Why You Should Boost Your Child's Intake

    The therapeutic properties of omega-3s can help in the treatment of many short-term ailments while also providing protection against long-term health conditions. But omega-3 fatty acids are not just beneficial for adults; research has proven that there is no shortage of health benefits of omega-3 for kids. This important fatty acid can produce a profound effect on children's short-term and...
  6. Vitamin D2 and Vitamin D3: What's the Difference?

    Vitamin D2 and Vitamin D3: What's the Difference?

    While it's known that vitamin D is essential for health, there are important differences between vitamin D2 and vitamin D3. Being aware of these differences is of utmost importance when seeking to improve your health. What is Vitamin D? Primarily, vitamin D is a nutrient that helps cells in the body absorb other nutrients. This makes vitamin D an essential...
  7. Food Cravings and Nutrition: Craving Certain Foods May Point to Nutrient Deficiency

    Food Cravings and Nutrition: Craving Certain Foods May Point to Nutrient Deficiency

    A food craving is a strong desire for a specific kind of food that can persist even when one may not even be hungry.  Research indicates a possible link between food cravings and nutrition, suggesting that the body could utilize food cravings to make up for vital nutritional deficiencies. Are Food Cravings and Nutrition Linked? Food cravings usually originate in...
  8. Prebiotics Help Reduce Anxiety When Taken Daily, Says New Study

    Prebiotics Help Reduce Anxiety When Taken Daily, Says New Study

    Prebiotics are insoluble fibers that, when ingested, help to nourish the beneficial bacteria in the gut. New evidence suggests that when consumed daily, prebiotics help reduce anxiety and boost overall mental health. Find out how you can help your gut microbiome by incorporating more prebiotics into your diet. What's the Difference Between Prebiotics and Probiotics? While certain bacteria are harmful...
  9. Supplementing With Omega-3 Protects Against Stress, May Help Slow Aging

    Supplementing With Omega-3 Protects Against Stress, May Help Slow Aging

    Omega-3 fatty acids play a variety of roles in the body, contributing to both physical health and mental wellness. A new body of research is proving that supplementing with omega-3 protects against stress, helping to slow the aging process of the body as a result. Here is everything that you need to know about this class of fatty acids, including...
  10. How to Combat Dry Skin and Improve Skin Health From the Inside Out

    How to Combat Dry Skin and Improve Skin Health From the Inside Out

    Your skin is the largest organ in your body and keeping it healthy is important for a number of different reasons. The driving reason behind many peoples' concerns about the condition of their skin is the fact that poor skin health can make you look older than your real age. Proper skin care is important all year round, but protecting...