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  1. 8 Ways to Naturally Maintain Healthy Cholesterol Levels

    8 Ways to Naturally Maintain Healthy Cholesterol Levels

    High cholesterol is one of the greatest risk factors for coronary artery disease, stroke and heart attack. While prescription statins can be an effective way to reduce bad cholesterol levels, they aren't enough for many adults and they come with side effects. Here are some of the most effective science-backed ways to naturally maintain healthy cholesterol levels. The Importance of...
  2. Top 6 Crucial Vitamins for Men's Health

    Top 6 Crucial Vitamins for Men's Health

    Today, the "Standard American Diet" has become, well, standard -- especially among men. This diet is based on processed foods that are often lacking in nutrients and vitamins. The result is that many men in the United States are deficient in vitamins. In addition, men have slightly different nutritional needs than women and require more of certain vitamins to produce...
  3. Controversial New Findings Spark Debate Over Saturated Fats and Heart Health

    Controversial New Findings Spark Debate Over Saturated Fats and Heart Health

    New research on saturated fats and heart health has set off a controversy in the medical community. Do saturated fats truly cause heart disease? Or are they really not that bad for you? Medical advice changes almost by the week. One day we hear that margarine is better, the next day margarine is deadly and butter is the way to go...
  4. Muscle Injuries in Athletes Could Be Caused by Low Vitamin D

    Muscle Injuries in Athletes Could Be Caused by Low Vitamin D

    Many people take vitamin D to encourage strong, healthy bones. New research on vitamin D and muscle function suggests that it may be a major contributor to building and maintaining healthy muscles as well. Vitamin D is an important cofactor in metabolism, bone building and more. However, many people in northern latitudes suffer from a deficiency of this important nutrient...
  5. Cognitive Decline in Women May Start Sooner Than Previously Thought

    Cognitive Decline in Women May Start Sooner Than Previously Thought

    Age-related cognitive decline is an unfortunate part of growing older. According to new studies, this cognitive decline in women may begin earlier than previously suspected. For many people, one of the most feared aspects of aging is the prospect of cognitive decline. Physical disability can be mitigated, but no one wants to live without their memories, personality and ability to...
  6. Plant Compound Lutein Linked to Cognitive Health and Intelligence

    Plant Compound Lutein Linked to Cognitive Health and Intelligence

    New studies linking lutein and brain health suggest that getting enough of certain plant compounds like lutein is essential to intelligence and cognitive function. Modern research is beginning to shed light on the importance of getting good nutrition as a means of staying healthy and preventing disease. Medications and surgeries are certainly important treatments, but many people would prefer to...
  7. Cognitive Health Found to Be Important Determinant of Lifespan

    Cognitive Health Found to Be Important Determinant of Lifespan

    There is a common assumption that people lose their cognitive abilities as they age. We expect to see our memory, intelligence and brain function slowly decline in our later years. However, some people do not suffer from this cognitive decline, while others do, but much more slowly than average. Now, surprising new findings indicate that your cognitive health as you age...
  8. New Research Shows the Health Benefits of Resveratrol Extend Beyond Heart Health

    New Research Shows the Health Benefits of Resveratrol Extend Beyond Heart Health

    Resveratrol has been in the news for its heart-health benefits for years. It is believed to help support a healthy cardiovascular system and protect against a wide variety of  health concerns. New research on the health benefits of resveratrol suggests that, aside from its benefits to cardiovascular health, resveratrol may benefit your entire body through a mechanism that supports the healthy...
  9. Seasonal Affective Disorder: How to Beat the Winter Blues

    Seasonal Affective Disorder: How to Beat the Winter Blues

    Many people suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and don't even realizing it. You may have felt a touch of the winter blues but quickly recovered with a vacation to somewhere sunny. Others live all fall and winter with a mild case of the "winter blahs" without realizing that this can have an effect on their physical health. However, for...
  10. Researchers Uncover the Intricate Relationship Between Sleep and Memory

    Researchers Uncover the Intricate Relationship Between Sleep and Memory

    Many neurological processes, such as remembering to breathe without even thinking about it, are well-understood. However, there are a few areas where modern science is just beginning to discover the truth. Sleep and memory are two such areas. We know a lot about the basics of these two important activities, but there are a myriad of details that we do...

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