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  1. Scientists Discover Snow Shoveling Boosts Risk of Heart Attack

    Scientists Discover Snow Shoveling Boosts Risk of Heart Attack

    For many people, the long dark months of winter are a reason to hole-up inside. For others, however, winter can also mean an increase in physical activity. There are many outdoor hobbies that require cold weather, such as skiing and sledding. In addition, for people in many areas, the cold weather brings an increase in chores such as shoveling newly...
  2. The "Man Flu" Myth: Do Men Really Get Sicker Than Women?

    The "Man Flu" Myth: Do Men Really Get Sicker Than Women?

    In general, men are often perceived as being the physically stronger (and thus possibly healthier) gender. However, their response to infectious illness appears to be an exception to the rule. Many people over time have noted that men subjectively report worse symptoms from colds, cases of the flu and other illnesses. The same illness that most women will work through...
  3. Eating Cheese Protects Heart Health, Says New Study

    Eating Cheese Protects Heart Health, Says New Study

    Cheese is one of the world's favorite foods, whether toasted, melted or plain. Most people eat it in spite of its potential unhealthiness due to its high calorie, fat and cholesterol content. However, eating cheese may not be the poor choice that we have previously believed. A new study has found that cheese may actually have surprising benefits. In fact...
  4. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): How Changing Seasons Can Change Your Mood

    Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): How Changing Seasons Can Change Your Mood

    Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that comes and goes with the seasons. The most typical pattern for SAD is that symptoms start in the late fall or early winter and go away with the arrival of spring. It is also possible for someone to experience seasonal affective disorder in a summer pattern, though this is quite...
  5. Old Human Cells Rejuvenated by Resveratrol-like Compounds

    Old Human Cells Rejuvenated by Resveratrol-like Compounds

    The anti-aging industry pulls in billions of dollars every year with promises of helping people preserve both health and beauty. While beauty products offer to keep us young with creams and serums, scientists suggest that youth comes from the inside out. What we feed our cells can make all the difference in whether they stay young and healthy over our...
  6. Natural Ways to Boost Brain Health and Support Healthy Cognitive Function

    Natural Ways to Boost Brain Health and Support Healthy Cognitive Function

    Cognitive function is a term that refers to a large collection of mental functions, including but not limited to attention, concentration, language use, learning new information, memory, processing thoughts and reading comprehension. The strength of your cognitive function abilities is directly related to your brain health. Cognitive ability is also linked to aging—it is normal to experience a certain amount of...
  7. Osteoporosis in Men: A Serious Yet Often Overlooked Disease

    Osteoporosis in Men: A Serious Yet Often Overlooked Disease

    Osteoporosis is a disease where the density of your bones falls to a critical point where they are so weak that even mild physical impact can fracture them. Some people do not experience any symptoms of osteoporosis until they break a bone in a situation that would not have harmed them when they were younger. Osteoporosis is considered an age-related...
  8. New Study Links Low Calcium to Increased Risk of Sudden Cardiac Arrest

    New Study Links Low Calcium to Increased Risk of Sudden Cardiac Arrest

    A recent study, published in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings examined the relationship between blood calcium levels and the risk of sudden cardiac arrest. Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is defined as when the heart suddenly stops beating due to a malfunction in the heart's electrical activity. According to the American Heart Association, approximately 350,000 people experience an out-of-hospital SCA each year in...
  9. Biology Behind Osteoporosis Revealed in New Study

    Biology Behind Osteoporosis Revealed in New Study

    A new study published in the journal PNAS has uncovered the biology behind age-related bone loss. Researchers from Zhejiang University in China and the University of Alabama in Birmingham found that a protein known as Cbf-beta is essential at controlling the rate at which new bone cells replace old, dying cells. Understanding Age-Related Bone Loss Age-related bone loss is a progressive and...
  10. Study Links Adult Development of Schizophrenia and Diet During Pregnancy

    Study Links Adult Development of Schizophrenia and Diet During Pregnancy

    All expecting parents want to give their baby the best chance at a healthy and happy life. However, until recently there was very little data on exactly how to accomplish this goal. New research on the effects of nutrition in pregnancy is yielding hard data on exactly what comprises a healthy prenatal diet. Surprisingly, there may even be links between...