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  1. Vitamin D and Sleep: A New Role for a Well-Known Nutrient

    Vitamin D and Sleep: A New Role for a Well-Known Nutrient

    Scientists are zeroing in on a clear connection between vitamin D and sleep. Can the amount of vitamin D in your body play a role in sleep quality? The ABCs of Vitamin D Before you understand the role that vitamin D plays in sleep quality and quantity, you need to learn more about this important nutrient. Vitamin D is a...
  2. The Best Vitamins for Sleep: Are You Getting What Your Body Needs?

    The Best Vitamins for Sleep: Are You Getting What Your Body Needs?

    Getting the right amount of sleep each night is crucial for your overall health and wellness. Adequate sleep supports optimal immune system function, improves your mental acuity and helps to maintain a positive mood throughout the day. While the occasional sleepless night is nothing to worry about, chronic sleep deprivation can have serious consequences on your physical health and emotional...
  3. Vitamin D Benefits Include Help for Depression and Inflammation

    Vitamin D Benefits Include Help for Depression and Inflammation

    This vitamin powerhouse is well known for its vast array of health benefits for both the body and mind. In addition to the previously recognized advantages to overall physical health, scientists are now discovering new ways that this antioxidant can fight back against inflammation and depression. Here is what you need to know about vitamin D, its many benefits and...
  4. The B Vitamins Explained

    The B Vitamins Explained

    The B vitamins are a powerful group of nutrients that deliver a number of health benefits. Here is a quick breakdown explaining which vitamins are considered B vitamins, how to ensure you are getting sufficient B vitamins in your diet and the unique role each plays in maintaining optimum health. Understanding the Different B Vitamins B vitamins are a family...
  5. Which Nutrients and Vitamins Help With COVID?

    Which Nutrients and Vitamins Help With COVID?

    There is no doubt that the impacts of COVID are going to be felt for years across the world. Now that it is clear that the virus is here to stay, you would be wise to do all that you can to safeguard your health so that your body is better equipped to handle any infection. Can adequate intake of...
  6. The Little-Known Connection Between Vitamin D and Gut Health

    The Little-Known Connection Between Vitamin D and Gut Health

    Vitamin D serves many purposes, including the support of strong bones, proper dental health, and optimal muscle function. The vitamin also boosts the immune system through its anti-inflammatory benefits. Emerging evidence in relation to vitamin D and gut health is now showing how vitamin D can also help to support and maintain a healthy gut. Without an adequate intake of...
  7. Taking Fish Oil and Vitamin D Reduces Risk of Autoimmune Disease

    Taking Fish Oil and Vitamin D Reduces Risk of Autoimmune Disease

    The term "autoimmune disease" encompasses a wide array of conditions affecting everything from the thyroid to muscular function. New research is signaling that the use of vitamin D and fish oil may be of use when looking to reduce the risk of certain autoimmune conditions. So if you are worried about the risk of developing an autoimmune disease, you would...
  8. New Study Shows Vitamin D Deficiency Increases Cardiovascular Risk

    New Study Shows Vitamin D Deficiency Increases Cardiovascular Risk

    While it may be a little more challenging to get enough vitamin D than other vitamins, it is important that you make the effort to consume enough of this crucial vitamin. Emerging research on how vitamin D deficiency increases cardiovascular risk emphasizes the importance of ensuring that you are getting enough on a daily basis. Here is what you need...
  9. How Vitamin D Could Reduce Lung Inflammation in Covid-19

    How Vitamin D Could Reduce Lung Inflammation in Covid-19

    There is no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic has turned the whole world on its head. However, along with all of the grief and challenges, there have been an amazing number of medical discoveries made out of a sense of urgency. In addition to implementing the widespread use of the mRNA vaccine technology, medical researchers have also learned more about...
  10. Getting Enough Vitamin D in Fall and Winter is Crucial for Healthy Immunity

    Getting Enough Vitamin D in Fall and Winter is Crucial for Healthy Immunity

    Vitamin D is best known for its ability to aid in calcium absorption in the body and support healthy bone development. However, this fat-soluble vitamin also plays a crucial role in the maintenance of the body's digestive, circulatory and nervous systems. Most recently, the vitamin has been shown to have an increasingly positive effect on immune system function. Not getting...

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