Vitamin D serves many purposes, including the support of strong bones, proper dental health, and optimal muscle function. The vitamin also boosts the immune system through its anti-inflammatory benefits. Emerging evidence in relation to vitamin D and gut health is now showing how vitamin D can also help to support and maintain a healthy gut. Without an adequate intake of this vitamin, the function of your gut may suffer.

Diving Into the Gut Microbiome

The Little-Known Connection Between Vitamin D and Gut Health 1Before you understand the connection between vitamin D intake and the health of your gut, you need to learn more about the function of the gut microbiome. This microbiome is made up of trillions of bacteria that help to digest food, boost the immune system, improve mental health function and much more.

As more is revealed about the gut microbiome, scientists have learned just how important this body of microbes is to the overall function of the body, both physically and mentally.

Connection Between Vitamin D and Gut Health

There are a number of things that influence the health of your gut. Chief among them is the balance of nutrients that you take in on a regular basis. Research has continued to demonstrate the direct connection between adequate intake of vitamin D and gut health.

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that the body can actually make itself when exposed to sunlight, earning it the name of the "sunshine vitamin." Approximately 80 percent of the body's vitamin D requirements need to be satisfied through exposure to the sun. The remaining 20 percent is absorbed in the gut through the foods that contain this crucial vitamin.

Vitamin D serves many purposes, including the support of strong bones, proper dental health, and optimal muscle function. The vitamin also boosts the immune system through its anti-inflammatory benefits. Emerging evidence is now showing how vitamin D can also help to support and maintain a healthy gut.

According to a recent study published in Scientific Reports, a look at 80 healthy females who consumed 50,000 international units (IU) of vitamin D each week demonstrated an improvement in the diversity of their gut microbiota after just 12 weeks. The same study found that this amount of vitamin D also improved kidney and liver operations.

Another study demonstrated that vitamin D may be helpful in the regulation of gastrointestinal inflammation. Results indicate that those individuals that show higher vitamin D levels have a lower incidence of inflammatory bowel diseases, particularly Crohn's disease. While this research needs more investigation, it is clear that there is a link between vitamin D and a number of health functions that relate to the gut microbiota.

How to Ensure Proper Vitamin D Intake

There are a variety of different ways that you can ensure that you are getting in enough vitamin D each day. Here are a few of the proven ways to boost your intake of this crucial nutrient.

Soak Up the Sun

The easiest and best way to ensure adequate levels of vitamin D in the body is to simply enjoy the sunshine. As your skin is exposed to UV-B radiation from the sun, it begins to produce vitamin D. This can be more difficult if you live farther from the equator, requiring that you lean on alternative methods. In addition, vitamin D production starts to diminish as you age as the skin becomes less efficient at harnessing this power.

Eat Foods High in Vitamin D

Another great way to get in sufficient amounts of vitamin D is to eat foods that are naturally high in this nutrient. Good choices include fatty fish and seafood such as salmon, sardines, shrimp and mackerel. Mushrooms are another food that provides a rich source of vitamin D. Or try adding some egg yolks to your diet for a vitamin D boost.

Lean on Fortified Foods

For those people who do not care for the foods that are naturally high in this vitamin, you can also find the nutrient in many popular fortified foods. Some of the most common fortified foods include both cow's and plant-based milks, cereal, yogurt, orange juice and tofu.


The Little-Known Connection Between Vitamin D and Gut HealthAs with most of the body's nutritional needs, supplementation can be an easy and cost-effective way to ensure that you are getting what you need for a healthy lifestyle. You can find specific vitamin D products or comprehensive supplements that include vitamin D as a component. It is important to carefully read the labels of any supplement to ensure that you are taking in the right amount of nutrients for your specific health needs.

Use a UV Lamp

Some people have also found success in stimulating vitamin D production through the use of a UV lamp. However, it is important that you limit this exposure as too much of the light can burn your skin. These lamps are also expensive, making them a hindrance for many people looking to boost vitamin D production.

The more that scientists learn about the function of the gut, the more that it is affirmed that intake of key nutrients such as vitamin D is vital in the support of this part of the body.

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