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  1. New Insights Into the Gut-Brain Connection

    New Insights Into the Gut-Brain Connection

    We have known for some time about the critical gut-brain connection that relays messages in both directions; in fact, the gut has even been referred to by some researchers as the "second brain." New insights into this connection suggest that gut health may influence mood and overall well-being, underscoring the importance of maintaining a healthy and diverse gut microbiome. How...
  2. Do You Suffer From a Melatonin Deficiency?

    Do You Suffer From a Melatonin Deficiency?

    It's commonly known that healthy melatonin production is an essential to a restful sleep. As nighttime comes and we prepare for bed, our internal clock, or circadian rhythm, signals the brain that it's time for sleep. In response, the brain releases melatonin, a hormone that's used to regulate sleepiness and wakefulness. If you have trouble sleeping, a melatonin deficiency may...
  3. New Research Suggests Exercise Protects Against Prostate Cancer

    New Research Suggests Exercise Protects Against Prostate Cancer

    The prostate, located between the penis and the bladder, is an essential part of the male reproductive system as it creates a fluid that's used to carry sperm and keep it in a liquid state. Unfortunately, it's not uncommon for men to develop prostate cancer, and while men of any age can develop this condition, it's more likely to affect...
  4. Melatonin and Metabolism: How the Sleep Hormone Supports Healthy Weight

    Melatonin and Metabolism: How the Sleep Hormone Supports Healthy Weight

    Melatonin is most often thought of as the "sleep hormone," as it is produced by the body in response to lower levels of light at the end of the day in order to promote sleep. New research finds a link between melatonin and metabolism, suggesting the sleep hormone is also essential in maintaining a healthy weight. Research Links Melatonin and...
  5. The Amazing Health Benefits of Bitter Melon

    The Amazing Health Benefits of Bitter Melon

    Bitter melon is a little-known fruit that looks very similar to the cucumber and zucchini, which is because it comes from the same family of plants. While each type of food offers some health benefits, bitter melon may surpass its relatives in what it can do for the human body. Among the vast health benefits of bitter melon, recent research...
  6. Researchers Determine What Causes Diabetes

    Researchers Determine What Causes Diabetes

    Your body's cells use sugar, or glucose, for energy. When you consume foods or beverages that contain sugar, a hormone called insulin pushes the sugar, or blood glucose, from the bloodstream to the various cells in your body. Once this occurs, the cells use the sugar as fuel, allowing them to function as they should. However in someone with type...
  7. Certain Lifestyle Factors Found to Increase Risk of Menopause Hot Flashes

    Certain Lifestyle Factors Found to Increase Risk of Menopause Hot Flashes

    Menopause is a natural occurrence in a woman's life, and as such should not be considered an illness or adverse medical condition. Although it typically occurs when a woman reaches her 40s or 50s, it can occur earlier. The onset of menopause is marked by a woman's last menstrual period; specifically, menopause commences with the cessation of the menstrual cycle...
  8. Drinking More Coffee Boosts Gut Health

    Drinking More Coffee Boosts Gut Health

    Previous research has found that drinking coffee can provide a growing list of health benefits, from protecting cognitive functioning to strengthening cardiovascular health. While these benefits may seem unrelated, new research has discovered that they may all be attributed to the way in which coffee affects the gut microbiome. A new study finds drinking more coffee boosts gut health, adding...
  9. New Insights Reveal How Chili Pepper Compound Capsaicin Relieves Pain

    New Insights Reveal How Chili Pepper Compound Capsaicin Relieves Pain

    Chili peppers are used to create spicy dishes throughout the world, but research has found that this pepper also provides a vast array of health benefits. In fact, it’s the compound in the chili pepper responsible for creating that spicy, burning feeling that provides those benefits. This compound is called capsaicin and it has been the focus of several scientific...
  10. Scientists Probe New Link Between Gut Health and Chronic Disease

    Scientists Probe New Link Between Gut Health and Chronic Disease

    What would happen if you could turn an unhealthy gut microbiome into a healthy one? According to research recently conducted at Scripps Research Institute, doing so may improve cholesterol levels and stave off chronic disease. According to this new research, gut health and disease are linked, suggesting improving gut health can positively impact the risks of developing certain diseases. Recent...

Items 21 to 30 of 79 total