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  1. Super-Doses of Biotin Found to Improve Certain Effects of Multiple Sclerosis

    Super-Doses of Biotin Found to Improve Certain Effects of Multiple Sclerosis

    New research showing biotin benefits for multiple sclerosis suggests that this B vitamin may provide measurable health benefits for people suffering from this disease. Multiple sclerosis, also known as MS, is a devastating disease and also one of the least understood medical problems. Although there are some leads as to why some people develop MS, we know very little about how...
  2. Plant Compound Lutein Linked to Cognitive Health and Intelligence

    Plant Compound Lutein Linked to Cognitive Health and Intelligence

    New studies linking lutein and brain health suggest that getting enough of certain plant compounds like lutein is essential to intelligence and cognitive function. Modern research is beginning to shed light on the importance of getting good nutrition as a means of staying healthy and preventing disease. Medications and surgeries are certainly important treatments, but many people would prefer to...
  3. Cognitive Health Found to Be Important Determinant of Lifespan

    Cognitive Health Found to Be Important Determinant of Lifespan

    There is a common assumption that people lose their cognitive abilities as they age. We expect to see our memory, intelligence and brain function slowly decline in our later years. However, some people do not suffer from this cognitive decline, while others do, but much more slowly than average. Now, surprising new findings indicate that your cognitive health as you age...
  4. Feel Tired All the Time? You Could Be Low on Iron

    Feel Tired All the Time? You Could Be Low on Iron

    Iron deficiency is the most common nutrient deficiency and affects 1.2 billion people worldwide, with around 183,000 dying from a shortage of this nutrient every year. Iron deficiency in women is especially common due to the high iron needs of the female body. If you find that you are often fatigued, have trouble concentrating or have other vague and insidious symptoms...
  5. Not Getting Enough Vitamin B12 During Pregnancy Boosts Disease Risk for Baby

    Not Getting Enough Vitamin B12 During Pregnancy Boosts Disease Risk for Baby

    Many people have are familiar with the importance of getting enough folic acid or folate, also known as vitamin B9, when pregnant. However, getting enough vitamin B12 during pregnancy is also important. New research underscores the importance of getting all of your B vitamins—especially vitamin B12—if you are pregnant or planning to conceive soon. What Is Vitamin B12? Vitamin B12...
  6. Researchers Reveal the Best Time of Day for Decision Making

    Researchers Reveal the Best Time of Day for Decision Making

    We make a plethora of decisions every day of our lives, from which shoes to wear to which politician to vote for in elections. Although we do not consciously realize it, a great deal of neurological activity goes into making even minor choices. During the decision-making process, neurons in three different areas of the brain communicate with each in a series of rapid...
  7. Children and Sleep: The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Behavior and Health

    Children and Sleep: The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Behavior and Health

    As the old saying goes, you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make them drink. Putting children to bed is a similar experience for many exhausted parents. You can go through a bedtime routine and tuck the little ones in at an early hour, but there is no "off" button. Some children lie awake for hours or...
  8. The Health Benefits of Omega 3 for Children

    The Health Benefits of Omega 3 for Children

    Many adults take a daily fish oil or flaxseed oil supplement to ensure they're getting enough omega-3 fatty acids. There are a multitude of benefits to these supplements, from better cardiovascular health and improved joint function, to an improved attention span, mood and cognitive function. However, there may be special benefits in omega 3 for children as well, according to several recent...
  9. Researchers Uncover the Intricate Relationship Between Sleep and Memory

    Researchers Uncover the Intricate Relationship Between Sleep and Memory

    Many neurological processes, such as remembering to breathe without even thinking about it, are well-understood. However, there are a few areas where modern science is just beginning to discover the truth. Sleep and memory are two such areas. We know a lot about the basics of these two important activities, but there are a myriad of details that we do...
  10. Proven: Napping Boosts Productivity and Improves Mental Health

    Proven: Napping Boosts Productivity and Improves Mental Health

    Have you ever snuck a nap in the middle of the day? Modern schedules tend to favor people who are up at dawn and steadily working until sundown. Benjamin Franklin and other fathers of our nation praised those who worked tirelessly, eschewing sleep until nightfall. Our society is set up to support this behavior; jobs begin early and lunch breaks are...

Items 81 to 90 of 96 total