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  1. Researchers Reveal the Best Time of Day for Decision Making

    Researchers Reveal the Best Time of Day for Decision Making

    We make a plethora of decisions every day of our lives, from which shoes to wear to which politician to vote for in elections. Although we do not consciously realize it, a great deal of neurological activity goes into making even minor choices. During the decision-making process, neurons in three different areas of the brain communicate with each in a series of rapid...
  2. Timing is Everything: Using Chronotherapy in Cancer Treatment

    Timing is Everything: Using Chronotherapy in Cancer Treatment

    Cancer is one of the most deadly diseases in the world, killing an estimated 7.6 million people every year. While there is a constant flow of new treatments, the number of deaths nonetheless demands more research and, hopefully, an eventual cure. Many people use all available treatments but still die of this disease. For many, the treatment itself is part of...
  3. Turning the Clocks Back This Weekend Could Be Detrimental to Your Health

    Turning the Clocks Back This Weekend Could Be Detrimental to Your Health

    Couldn't most of us use an extra hour of sleep? Many people look forward to the fall time change, which occurs on November 6 this year. Unlike the spring changing of the clocks, which equates to lost sleep, turning the clocks back in the fall, or "falling back," gives us a much-needed extra hour of slumber. It also means waking up...
  4. Health Dangers of Smartphones Include Insomnia and Male Infertility

    Health Dangers of Smartphones Include Insomnia and Male Infertility

    Unless you live under that proverbial rock, you are likely familiar with the purported health dangers of smartphones. Although these devices make it easier to manage our busy lives and stay in contact with loved ones, more and more studies indicate that they may also pose health risks, even when not in use. The Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation Even when your...
  5. Children and Sleep: The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Behavior and Health

    Children and Sleep: The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Behavior and Health

    As the old saying goes, you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make them drink. Putting children to bed is a similar experience for many exhausted parents. You can go through a bedtime routine and tuck the little ones in at an early hour, but there is no "off" button. Some children lie awake for hours or...
  6. Melatonin for Jet Lag: Reset Your Body Clock Naturally When Travelling Across Time Zones

    Melatonin for Jet Lag: Reset Your Body Clock Naturally When Travelling Across Time Zones

    Modern life requires travel. Americans and Western Europeans have become more mobile than ever, which means that seeing family and building a career often means some type of travel is involved. As a result, jet lag is not just a problem for executives anymore. Millions of people find their circadian rhythm is disrupted by the busy schedule of modern life...
  7. Vitamin D and Asthma: Supplementation Found to Lower Risk of Severe Attacks

    Vitamin D and Asthma: Supplementation Found to Lower Risk of Severe Attacks

    Most of us take breathing for granted. While everyone must breathe to stay alive, it happens unconsciously and we only notice it when we have a cold or another illness that makes breathing difficult. Asthma is a health problem affecting millions of people in the United States alone. While there are medications available, many people with asthma still suffer from...
  8. Ten Effective Natural Supplements for Andropause

    Ten Effective Natural Supplements for Andropause

    Most people have heard of menopause, the time at the end of a woman's reproductive life during which hormone levels dip considerably. However, many don't realize that men undergo a similar process. As men age, levels of androgens (male hormones) decrease, often contributing to a variety of health problems. This time period is called andropause, but is also known as men's...
  9. Advanced Sleep Phase Disorder: When You Get Tired Too Early and Wake Up Too Soon

    Advanced Sleep Phase Disorder: When You Get Tired Too Early and Wake Up Too Soon

    Do you always tend to feel sleepy before everyone else? Does your internal alarm clock go off before dawn? You may suffer from Advanced Sleep Phase Disorder (ASPD), also known as Advanced Sleep Phase Syndrome. You have probably read about the genetic differences between early birds and night owls. For some people, however, "early to bed and early to rise...
  10. Cancer and the Circadian Clock: Recent Insights Offer New Hope

    Cancer and the Circadian Clock: Recent Insights Offer New Hope

    Cancer was once a dreaded death sentence. New research, specifically studies on cancer and the circadian clock, are offering new understanding and new hope. Around half of all people will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime, making it one of the most common diseases in the modern world. While cancer once had a very high mortality rate, many people are now...