Circadian Rhythm

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  1. The Circadian System and Glucose Regulation

    The Circadian System and Glucose Regulation

    Glucose metabolism and regulation are central to human health. We depend on a complex system to ensure that glucose is funneled to the areas where it is needed at the correct times and in the correct amounts. Many diseases, including diabetes, obesity and metabolic syndrome have been linked to dysregulation of glucose and insulin. New research suggests that the circadian...
  2. Melatonin: A Casualty of Modern Technology?

    Melatonin: A Casualty of Modern Technology?

    Today's society has access to a wider range of entertainment, education and convenience than ever before thanks to modern technology. Cell phones, tablets and laptop computers are more portable than ever, allowing us to lead lives in which we are constantly in touch. However, the huge preponderance of screens we're exposed to emanate unnatural light that can prevent human brains from...
  3. Discovered: Magnesium Keeps Your Body Clocks Running on Time

    Discovered: Magnesium Keeps Your Body Clocks Running on Time

    Although we often associate vitamin deficiencies with past eras, they are a modern epidemic as well. While most people today generally get enough vitamins in their diet to prevent serious diseases such as rickets and scurvy, many still live with sub-clinical levels that aren't sufficient for optimal cellular function. This can lead to vague symptoms such as fatigue, malaise and sleep...
  4. Melatonin and Depression: Exploring the Connection Between Mood and the Circadian Rhythm

    Melatonin and Depression: Exploring the Connection Between Mood and the Circadian Rhythm

    Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses in the developed world and one that takes a huge toll on both sufferers and their loved ones. Depression also costs the nation as a whole, with its economic impact estimated at more than $50 billion a year in the United States alone. New research on the link between melatonin and depression suggests...
  5. Timing of Food Intake is Crucial for Weight Loss

    Timing of Food Intake is Crucial for Weight Loss

    With over half of Americans considered overweight, many people engage in the battle of the bulge on a daily basis. There are so many factors involved in weight loss beyond "calories in, minus calories out" that people can continue to gain even while making difficult lifestyle changes. Several studies have examined non-dietary factors that contribute to weight loss and found...
  6. Circadian Clock in the Liver Found to Regulate Hunger and Metabolism

    Circadian Clock in the Liver Found to Regulate Hunger and Metabolism

    When we talk about the circadian rhythm, most people think about the brain. However, every organ has its own internal biological clock. The liver's innate 24-hour rhythm is especially important to your metabolism and even affects the central circadian clock in your brain. New studies suggest that the liver’s circadian clock may even regulate hunger, digestion and a variety of...
  7. The Basics of Sleep From A-to-Zzz

    The Basics of Sleep From A-to-Zzz

    We spend around one-third of our lives sleeping. This is not wasted time. On the contrary, our bodies have a long list of tasks that can only be completed while our mind is resting and our body is still. Getting the right amount of sleep can give you a clearer mind, more energy, and even lower your risk of developing...
  8. Skipping Breakfast Can Increase Your Stroke Risk

    Skipping Breakfast Can Increase Your Stroke Risk

    Who has time for breakfast? In the modern world, many people succumb to the morning rush and run out the door with empty stomachs. However, this can have a negative effect on health in a variety of ways. People who skip breakfast tend to have lower cognition and poorer memory. A new study suggests that skipping the most important meal...
  9. Chronotherapy Offers New Hope for Rheumatoid Arthritis

    Chronotherapy Offers New Hope for Rheumatoid Arthritis

    Rheumatoid arthritis is a debilitating autoimmune disease that can lead to joint pain and a host of other health issues. As with many autoimmune diseases, patients often have to try many therapies before finding one that works. Unfortunately, some never get total relief of debilitating symptoms. However, a new paper on chronotherapy and rheumatoid arthritis suggests that carefully timing medications...
  10. Chronobiology of the Skin: The 24-Hour Cycle of Your Largest Organ

    Chronobiology of the Skin: The 24-Hour Cycle of Your Largest Organ

    All life on earth and each organ in our body follow circadian rhythms that revolve around the 24-hour light/dark cycle. Scientists are discovering more and more about the unique circadian rhythm of the skin. You are probably not aware that your skin follows its own circadian rhythm, but this cycle determines every action of your skin cells from the growth of...

Items 81 to 90 of 95 total