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  1. Black Pepper Extract Benefits: Boost Nutrient Absorption and More

    Black Pepper Extract Benefits: Boost Nutrient Absorption and More

    The black pepper plant produces a unique fruit that is harvested and used to create black pepper, a substance used all over the world daily. In fact, many people add black pepper to their foods so frequently that they don't even think about it. This has made it one of the most valued spices in the world for generations. After harvesting, the...
  2. Gut Bacteria Influence Diabetes Risk

    Gut Bacteria Influence Diabetes Risk

    There was a time when bacteria were seen by the medical community as unwanted invaders and causes of serious disease. While some microbes are dangerous, there are several species that we actually need for optimal health. Our skin, our gastrointestinal tract and many areas of our bodies flourish when colonized in large numbers by certain kinds of bacteria. A new...
  3. Spring Cleaning: 4 Strategies to Cleanse Your Body for Optimum Health

    Spring Cleaning: 4 Strategies to Cleanse Your Body for Optimum Health

    Winter is finally on its way out in most of the Northern Hemisphere. Soon we will be spending more time outdoors enjoying the warm weather and generally trying to be healthier. Spring is a time of fresh new beginnings, which is why millions engage in the tradition of deep cleaning and decluttering. Spring cleaning your body also can have benefits...
  4. Curcumin Brain Benefits Include Boosting Memory and Mood

    Curcumin Brain Benefits Include Boosting Memory and Mood

    A lot has been written lately about the health benefits of curcumin. Although many people enjoy this spice for its distinctive flavor, it appears to have even more to offer. In fact, it appears to have a variety of positive effects on health. According to several studies on curcumin and the benefits to the brain, it may even help to...
  5. Curcumin Shows Promise for Keeping Skin and Cells Healthy

    Curcumin Shows Promise for Keeping Skin and Cells Healthy

    Curcumin is the bioactive chemical in turmeric root, and is best known for its bright yellow color. This chemical has much more to offer than its distinctive color; there are also numerous health benefits of curcumin, including a variety that have just been discovered over the last few years. Here are some of the most important findings regarding this powerful...
  6. Curcumin and Neuroblastoma: Promise for Treatment-Resistant Tumors

    Curcumin and Neuroblastoma: Promise for Treatment-Resistant Tumors

    Curcumin is a bright yellow chemical and the main component of turmeric. While curcumin and neuroblastoma (a type of cancer most common in infants) may seem entirely unrelated, a new study found that this chemical, which is currently used in food coloring, cosmetics and spices, may help in the treatment of neuroblastoma tumors that are resistant to treatment. What is...
  7. New Link Between Lutein and Inflammation Hints at Heart Health Benefits

    New Link Between Lutein and Inflammation Hints at Heart Health Benefits

    Heart disease is the leading cause of early death; it is estimated that over 17 million people die from heart disease every year. The rates of heart disease are on the rise; experts believe that by 2030, over 23 million people will die of heart disease yearly. One of the most common forms of heart disease is known as coronary...

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