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Are you one of the millions of people who struggle with respiratory concerns? New research on omega-3 for asthma suggests this natural remedy may make a huge difference. Asthma is a common disease, affecting around one of out every 12 people. Overall, asthma costs the United States alone around $56 billion a year in medical costs, lost work productivity and other...
Millions of people struggle to get adequate, restful sleep. New research on sleep and health suggests that not getting enough sleep can have more serious effects on your health than previously realized. Have you ever struggled to fall asleep? Have you ever woken from a deep slumber unable to get back to sleep? If so, you are not alone. Sleep...
Tis the season for holiday decorations including stockings, sleighs and lots of lights. If your neighborhood is like most in the Western world, there is a good chance that your own home, as well as those around you, is trimmed with holiday or Christmas lights. These twinkling lights may have a positive effect on your holiday spirit, but a very...
Most of us have experienced the feeling of sleepiness and well-being that comes after a large turkey meal (think Thanksgiving dinner). A popular misconception is that this feeling comes from tryptophan, an amino acid that is present in high amounts in turkey. Despite this popular rumor, it's not necessarily the tryptophan in your turkey that makes you groggy or sleepy...
You may have noticed that you are more likely to get sick when tired or otherwise feeling out-of-sync. Many people who travel have noted that they are most likely to become ill just after a large trip, especially one that takes them across time zones and causes the dreaded jet lag. Is this a coincidence? Studies have long suggested a...
Couldn't most of us use an extra hour of sleep? Many people look forward to the fall time change, which occurs on November 6 this year. Unlike the spring changing of the clocks, which equates to lost sleep, turning the clocks back in the fall, or "falling back," gives us a much-needed extra hour of slumber. It also means waking up...
Unless you live under that proverbial rock, you are likely familiar with the purported health dangers of smartphones. Although these devices make it easier to manage our busy lives and stay in contact with loved ones, more and more studies indicate that they may also pose health risks, even when not in use. The Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation Even when your...
As the old saying goes, you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make them drink. Putting children to bed is a similar experience for many exhausted parents. You can go through a bedtime routine and tuck the little ones in at an early hour, but there is no "off" button. Some children lie awake for hours or...
Modern life requires travel. Americans and Western Europeans have become more mobile than ever, which means that seeing family and building a career often means some type of travel is involved. As a result, jet lag is not just a problem for executives anymore. Millions of people find their circadian rhythm is disrupted by the busy schedule of modern life...
Do you always tend to feel sleepy before everyone else? Does your internal alarm clock go off before dawn? You may suffer from Advanced Sleep Phase Disorder (ASPD), also known as Advanced Sleep Phase Syndrome. You have probably read about the genetic differences between early birds and night owls. For some people, however, "early to bed and early to rise...