Blood Sugar/Glucose Metabolism
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Melatonin is most often thought of as the "sleep hormone," as it is produced by the body in response to lower levels of light at the end of the day in order to promote sleep. New research finds a link between melatonin and metabolism, suggesting the sleep hormone is also essential in maintaining a healthy weight. Research Links Melatonin and...
Bitter melon is a little-known fruit that looks very similar to the cucumber and zucchini, which is because it comes from the same family of plants. While each type of food offers some health benefits, bitter melon may surpass its relatives in what it can do for the human body. Among the vast health benefits of bitter melon, recent research...
While there are many proven health benefits of red wine, the majority can be attributed to one specific compound found in the grapes used to make the wine. This plant constituent is called resveratrol, and it's the compound that helps give color to the skin of red grapes. It also helps protect grapes from fungal infections, droughts, extreme sun exposure...
Multiple research studies have now confirmed that the compound resveratrol supports healthy aging by protecting the body from a host of potential issues. Read on for more information about what resveratrol is, how you can incorporate this powerful naturally-occurring compound into your diet and how it can help you to lead a healthier and longer life. What is Reservatrol? Reservatrol is...
There are as many as 30.2 million people in the United States who suffer from diabetes, some of whom are living with the condition but have not yet been diagnosed. This number continues to rise year by year in spite of efforts to educate people about the importance of watching blood glucose levels. Unfortunately, sugar and blood-sugar-spiking refined carbs are...
In simple terms, a superfruit is a food that contains a condensed serving of vitamins and powerful phyto-nutrients that are beneficial to human health. These foods benefit the immune system in a variety of ways and it has been found that they can even benefit the health of bone marrow. Research is only beginning to uncover some of the significant...
The National Sleep Foundation estimates that roughly 40 percent of Americans experience some difficulty sleeping each year. In addition to affecting physical conditions, such as heart health and diabetes, a lack of sufficient sleep is also known to affect mental health, instigating depression and anxiety. In new studies, a focus on nutrition has suggested that diet affects sleep and mental...
Melatonin is a hormone best known for its role in preparing the brain for sleep. Due to its effectiveness in this respect, it's the primary ingredient in many sleep supplements. Outside of the United States and Canada, melatonin-based formulas are only available with a doctor's prescription. While some argue that using melatonin for sleep isn't always effective, people suffering from...
Your body's cells use sugar, or glucose, for energy. When you consume foods or beverages that contain sugar, a hormone called insulin pushes the sugar, or blood glucose, from the bloodstream to the various cells in your body. Once this occurs, the cells use the sugar as fuel, allowing them to function as they should. However in someone with type...
Supplementing with omega-3 fatty acids is one of the most salient health trends of the past decade. Physicians are increasingly recommending these oily supplements for a variety of purposes, from helping to maintain healthy cholesterol levels within normal ranges to combating the physical effects of aging. But when is the best time to take omega-3 supplements? Most people who take...